Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers

What are Eucharistic Ministers?

Eucharistic Ministers are those members of the gathered assembly who distribute the body and blood of Christ either during the liturgy or outside of the eucharistic celebration to those who have been unable to attend.

Role of the Eucharistic Minister

You are part of the team of those who minister at Liturgy. Our liturgy is the central event in our parish life. The Eucharistic Minister has the task of assisting with the distribution of the eucharistic bread and eucharistic cup at Mass. Additionally, they frequently take communion to the homebound.

Prayer for Eucharistic Ministers

May my behavior and the attitude of my heart reflect that holy honor as I strive to serve in a sacred way. With awe and wonder, I will hold in my hands the Body of Christ and His Sacred Blood, so that my sisters and brothers may be fed with the Food of Life. Make my heart and hands clean. Free me from anything of vanity and pride that might divorce me and the service that is mine from the heart of the Divine Mystery residing in this Holy Meal. May I, with your constant assistance, truly wait upon You and Your people in this Holy Liturgy of Praise and Adoration. AMEN.

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